Google earth pro free download latest version windows 10
Google earth pro free download latest version windows 10

  1. #Google earth pro free download latest version windows 10 for free#
  2. #Google earth pro free download latest version windows 10 full version#

  • Access to cadastral, traffic or demographic data.
  • Support to import addresses in batches (up to 2,500 addresses simultaneously).
  • Possibility to import GIS data from ESRI or MapInfo data, to use them in representations.
  • Printing resolution above 4,800 pixels.
  • That's why Google still offers both options and you'll also have to take into account that the Pro version is slightly heavier because it includes more options such as the following: It all depends on the use given because some of the features included might not be used normally by domestic users.

    #Google earth pro free download latest version windows 10 full version#

    The professional or full version of this software has been developed to be used in those professional environments in which it's necessary to work with different cartographic functions and data, so it's not necessarily better than the ordinary version.

  • Access guides for directions to go anywhere.
  • Different zoom levels to obtain the maximum amount of detail.
  • Measure distances and areas very easily.
  • Walk along the street with the Street View function.
  • View the ocean depths, buildings, the sky, planets such as Mars and even the Moon.
  • Alternate between different data using the system of layers, which shows different types of information.
  • Observe the planet's relief and orography, buildings and constructions in 3D.
  • Explore the world in 3D and in great detail.
  • It does so thanks to its different features and functions: The program provides us with access to maps, satellite images or 3D recreations of anywhere in the world or even outer space and the Universe's constellations in high quality and from your computer's desktop.

    #Google earth pro free download latest version windows 10 for free#

    Furthermore, there's also a Pro version that can be downloaded for free but that offers advanced functions for users that want to use this tool in professional environments.Įxplore from your home the place where Jesus was supposefly crucified. It comes along with different developments for different platforms: for Linux and Windows 10, as well as previous PC versions, in APK format for Android, and even for iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad.

    google earth pro free download latest version windows 10

    It works by overlaying satellite images, aerial photos and geographical information taken from GIS data models created by computer. This interactive atlas was created under the name of EarthViewer 3D by the company Keyhole but in 2004 it was purchased by Google. Earth is different, although it does have certain functions in common, as it shows us a virtual globe to explore the Earth's maps based on satellite photos.

    google earth pro free download latest version windows 10 google earth pro free download latest version windows 10

    (Google's parent company), the first of them is an online mapping resource that combines satellite photos and other functions of the likes of Street View. Don't confuse Google Maps with Google Earth: although they both belong to Alphabet, Inc.

    Google earth pro free download latest version windows 10